Soon we are going to start recruitment for a Fight Team. This is open to people who are dedicated, a little more experienced and interested in competition. We want to bring people together in a team with the same dedication, working towards the same goal and helping each other out to reach those goals. In the fight team, you are going to do more and tougher trainings with other people in the team in order to get you ready for competition. This team requires a good basic skill set and the coaches decide who is experienced enough to join the fight team.
If you are interested, but hesitant because you don’t have much time to train, we still invite you to talk to us, because dedication is more important than time and we can figure something out with the time you DO have available.
If you are unsure about whether your level is good enough for the fight team, we also still invite you to come to us, because if we think you need to work on your techniques before joining the fight team, we can tell you what has to improve and it is also interesting for us to know who is interested in competition. If you are not yet at the level for the fight team yet, it doesn’t mean that you can’t join the fight team this year anymore. If you show us improvement, we will let you in as soon as you show that you are ready.
We will announce this for the coming 2 weeks, at the end of the recruitment we will have an assessment training, so everyone can see who is in the fight team and make a plan for the coming period.
If you are interested, contact Tom or Sander and we will discuss with the coaches if you are being recruited for the fight team.