Weekly Sign-up for Trainings
Dear Members, We hope you are glad to be back at the dojo 😉 ! Members who would like to sign up for more than the maximum of 3 trainings are now welcome to do so! The sign-up sheet will be posted on the website every week on Friday at 18:00, so we won’t be...
Back in the Dojo!
Dear Fighters, As of Monday, September 7th, we are finally back in the dojo!!! BUT: This does not mean that COVID-19 is behind us. As an association we would like to ask you to take the greatest care of your health when you plan on coming to trainings. If you have any...

Important Announcements for the Summer
Dear Fighters, Here we will post a few of the most important announcements that you might want to know going into summer break. First off: we do not have regular trainings during summer breaks! This is because most of our members are internationals who go home during...
Sign-up for week 51 (14.12-20.12)
You can find the sign-up sheet here: week 51!
Sign-up for week 50 (07.12-13.12)
You can find the sign-up sheet here: Week 50 !
Sign-up for week 49 (30.11-6.12)
You can find the sheet here: Sign-up sheet (30.11-6.12)
Upcoming events
Enfusion – 8th of June
It's ENFUSION time! Our one and only Sander will be fighting at one of the biggest kickboxing events of the Netherlands and you can join us! Contact Nynke or Nabil for tickets (€20,00) and be part of the amazing experience that is Enfusion. These tickets also include...
Mixed social April
Oh hey; look at that! The sun is out! That must mean it's April.It's time for the mixed social of April! Thursday the 11th of April we will be going for drinks again with our favourite friends from Northside, Noordpole, Pugilicé and Fairplay. As usual we will be...
ACLO GALA / Papa Joe’s (7th of February)
Can you hear the sound of music? Can you hear the dancing in the dark? That's because the ACLO Gala is coming up!Just like every year we are planning to go with a big group to the ACLO Gala and have a big party. Will you be part of the group that creates history this...

Blauwborgje 16
9747 AC Groningen