Dear members,
as of today we start trying out a new schedule.
Krav Maga and Grappling will now be separate classes.
Grappling will be taught by Rob on Tuesdays and the grapplers will have the dojo to themselves from 1700 until 1930.
Krav Maga will remain on Thursdays and they will have the dojo to themselves from 1700 until 1830.
The grappling fightteam is welcome at the fightteam trainings on Saturday after the kickboxing class, from 1800 until we close the dojo.
This is a test for now to see if it works, things might still change. This is one of the results of us growing as an association and not getting the amount of hours or space we need from ACLO.
So tonight we will only have Krav Maga, no grappling.
Start of the season
Dear members,
As the new academic year starts, we will also start training again. It’s time to replace the summerheat sweat for some work-out sweat and start getting fit again!
Our trainings start as of Monday the 9th of September, so we hope to see all of you then!
Enfusion – 8th of June

It’s ENFUSION time!
Our one and only Sander will be fighting at one of the biggest kickboxing events of the Netherlands and you can join us!
Contact Nynke or Nabil for tickets (€20,00) and be part of the amazing experience that is Enfusion. These tickets also include a workshop from world-title defender Sarel De Jong!
Be there or be square on the 8th of June at Martiniplaza!
Cancelled training
Dear members,
From tonight until monday evening there will be no regular training.
This evening and tomorrow we will however open the dojo (during regular training hours) for the people who want to work on their technique, do some light sparring or just want to stretch or socialize.
Have a wonderful Easter weekend and see you tonight/tomorrow/Tuesday!
Mixed social April
Oh hey; look at that! The sun is out! That must mean it’s April.
It’s time for the mixed social of April!
Thursday the 11th of April we will be going for drinks again with our favourite friends from Northside, Noordpole, Pugilicé and Fairplay.
As usual we will be chilling at Allround where you can have some beers; play some pool; throw some darts and much more! We’ll be there at 2130 if you can’t find us downstairs try to find us upstairs in the pool area!

Internal Grappling tournament
How well have you practiced your moves? Are you ready to take on your fellow grapplers?
Every now and then we host a Deltaserat-only grappling tournament, it’s a perfect way to measure your improvement and see the improvement of your training buddies.
All levels are welcome! Did you just start or have a shit-ton of experience? Doesn’t matter! We will make the brackets in such a way that it’s fair to everyone. Weights will also be considered, as it would not be fair to put someone of 50 kilo’s against someone of 120. But to be able to create these brackets on time we would like everyone to sign up here, in our facebook group, or by contacting one of the boardmembers.
It will take place in our dojo during the normal Kickboxing training, which means that THE NORMAL TRAINING WILL BE CANCELED !
The tournament will start at 15:30 and if you participate we advice you to come at 15:00 in order to get your measurements and prepare your group beforehand!
We will videotape it for you to analyse the footage and get even better! (or to show it to your friends/mom/dog)
See you there!
Grappling tournament – Saturday 24th of November
1500 weigh-in ; 1530 start tournament
Mixed social November
Holy shitballs it’s getting cold. As the windows are starting to fog up during training and the sun goes down earlier and earlier we turn towards the warming hearts of our fellow associations.
Coming Thursday, the 8th of November we’ve got a new mixed social scheduled! Even though we had a blast at Kult, we will go back to Buckshot (Gedempte Zuiderdiep 58) for an evening.Feel free to bring board/drinking games to maximize the fun!
We’ll start the fun at 21:30, toasting to the nearing end of the exam week.
See you there!
Fight team
Soon we are going to start recruitment for a Fight Team. This is open to people who are dedicated, a little more experienced and interested in competition. We want to bring people together in a team with the same dedication, working towards the same goal and helping each other out to reach those goals. In the fight team, you are going to do more and tougher trainings with other people in the team in order to get you ready for competition. This team requires a good basic skill set and the coaches decide who is experienced enough to join the fight team.
If you are interested, but hesitant because you don’t have much time to train, we still invite you to talk to us, because dedication is more important than time and we can figure something out with the time you DO have available.
If you are unsure about whether your level is good enough for the fight team, we also still invite you to come to us, because if we think you need to work on your techniques before joining the fight team, we can tell you what has to improve and it is also interesting for us to know who is interested in competition. If you are not yet at the level for the fight team yet, it doesn’t mean that you can’t join the fight team this year anymore. If you show us improvement, we will let you in as soon as you show that you are ready.
We will announce this for the coming 2 weeks, at the end of the recruitment we will have an assessment training, so everyone can see who is in the fight team and make a plan for the coming period.
If you are interested, contact Tom or Sander and we will discuss with the coaches if you are being recruited for the fight team.
No training
Dear members,
Due to the unavailability of our grappling trainers we have to cancel tonight’s training.
Tomorrow training will resume as usual.
Kind regards,
The board
Booster gear discount
Because of our contacts all Deltaserat members can get a 10% discount on all fight gear from Booster! Go to and if you see something you’d like to get, send an email to [email protected] stating your member ID and the specifics of the product you’d like to order. DO NOT ORDER DIRECTLY YOURSELF as you won’t get any discount.