Dear members,
It’s almost the end of the academic year, which also means the end of this year’s training. Our last training will be next week Saturday the 03.07!
After that, we will see everyone back (hopefully) at the beginning of September. We hope you enjoyed the past few weeks of training!
Are you super motivated and want to keep training during the summer? Then we have good news for you! We are planning to open the Dojo in the summer as an open mat (no trainer, only supervisor) from time to time so we can train together, do some light rolling, and stretching. If there will be an open mat we will let you know a few days in advance via WhatsApp and Facebook!
Your Board
A new growing seed in Deltaserat
Dear Fighter,
we would like to announce that Deltaserat is looking for new additions to board 2021-2022!
If you are interested in becoming a boardmember of Deltaserat, it is now time to apply! All instructions are included in the PDF file attached to this post.
We will also host an information evening for everyone who has a question or are curious about our experience as part of the Deltaserat Board. All information are referred in the PDF file.
For any questions, please make sure to either contact our chairman Sjouke ([email protected]) or our internal manager, Kityi ([email protected]).

From next week on we will resume our training! We will do this as follows:
- It will be in a kickboxing-style only🥊
- Every training will be outside on ‘voetbal(gras)veld 3’ (located next to ACLO)
- Participants that are over the age of 26 are NOT allowed to work within the 1,5m distance with their partner. For those under 27 they are allowed to do so. Here it is important that you stick to the same partner also across multiple tranings for as much as you can.
The following schedule will always remain subject to the (bad) weather, so keep an eye out on our social media:
Monday – Wednesday – Friday from 17h – 18h30 .
For any questions please contact us via Facebook, Instagram or the chat on our website.
Important Announcement
NEW measure in the dojo !
With regards to the COVID-19 situation, unfortunately we have to inform you that there will be a new measure added to the dojo. From now on we will have to stop 10 minutes earlier for every training so that it is possible to ventilate and/or do some cleaning for the next training. This means that 10 minutes before the end of a training everyone has to be out the dojo.
Please leave the dojo as soon as possible and also wait outside the dojo before the 10 minutes.
The board
Important Announcement
Dear Members,
This announcement is regarding our memberships:
For this year, there will be no payments per semester. There will only be monthly payments because we changed our payment systems. As always, memberships will be collected on the last day of the month.
Instead of paying €75/semester or €20/month, we have set the price for everyone to €15/month starting from now. From the 2nd semester onwards, the price will be set back to the regular €20 for everyone.
Existing members
People that have successfully managed to sign up on our website before today (24.09.2020) will be automatically imported into the new system and will receive an email to pay the first term (€15). Paying the first term will automatically verify your mandate.
New members
New people that have not registered with our association yet can do so by visiting our website and going to the ‘become a member’-page or directly via this link ( It is important to complete both steps since we are also obliged to keep track of student information.
You can cancel your membership minimum one month in advance by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. After receiving a confirmation email your cancellation is completed.
Registration fee
From October (1st) onwards there will be a registration fee of one term (= €15) for the membership registration to prevent administrative overhead by people signing in and out every other month. Training For the training registrations you can still use your member ID. If you’re unsure you can always put your name and we will complement it with the corresponding ID.
If you are interested in our motivation behind these changes, please check your mails (also spam). We will send a slightly longer version of this including a full explanation.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the payment, you can send them to [email protected], but please allow for some time to respond. We also welcome feedback! 🙂
The above will also be reflected in our terms and conditions as soon as possible.
The board
Weekly Sign-up for Trainings
Dear Members,
We hope you are glad to be back at the dojo 😉 !
Members who would like to sign up for more than the maximum of 3 trainings are now welcome to do so!
The sign-up sheet will be posted on the website every week on Friday at 18:00, so we won’t be announcing when the sign-up sheet goes live anymore. Additionally, after Sunday at 18:00, if there are open places for trainings, the maximum rule of 3 trainings per person will not apply!
This means that 1) you can only sign up for 3 trainings from Friday 18:00-Sunday 18:00, 2) after Sunday 18:00 you can sign up for more!
For questions please email [email protected]
Stay healthy, stay safe! Osu!
Back in the Dojo!
Dear Fighters,
As of Monday, September 7th, we are finally back in the dojo!!!
BUT: This does not mean that COVID-19 is behind us. As an association we would like to ask you to take the greatest care of your health when you plan on coming to trainings. If you have any symptoms, please, please stay home! As we are a full-contact sport, keep in mind that we need to be extra careful around one another during these times.
In order to abide by the pandemic requirements from the government, there will be changes in the way that trainings will be conducted. Please carefully read the list below for detailed information.
1. Most importantly, do not come if you are sick, or if someone you know is sick! Pay attention even to minor symptoms, and give yourself a few days to fully recover before coming to training.
2. The maximum amount of people that are allowed to be present at the dojo is 20, therefore trainings will be limited to 20 people, including the trainer. In order to implement this we will have a sign-up sheet where you can sign up with your member ID and name (name is optional). This way we can keep track of the amount of people coming to a training.
1. What is my member ID?
1. Each member has a unique ID (a collection of 4 numbers) that was included in your sign-up email. If you have lost this email, there is an option to retrieve your member ID on the Deltaserat website at the bottom of the form <>
2. If you are a first-time attendee and you would like to try out a lesson, please put 0000 as your member ID! 2. The sign-up sheet for the first week will be posted tomorrow, Sunday, September 6th at 18:00.
3. If you are not planning on attending a training you have signed up for, please make sure to take your name off the list at least 2 hours before training in order to make space for other members.
3. The amount of sign ups per week is limited to 3 trainings per person. Keep track of our social media though because changes to this rule/exceptions will be posted regularly!
4. Bring your own gear!
5. Keep a distance of 1.5m between you and others as much as possible, especially during the exiting/entering of the dojo. Of course, during trainings exceptions will be made.
6. Allow everyone to exit the dojo before you enter.
Last but not least, here is the updated schedule:
Please keep in mind that the additional beginner’s kickboxing session on Saturday is a temporary solution during the times of the pandemic and will not be kept in the schedule for the long run!
Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep checking our website for announcements.

Important Announcements for the Summer
Dear Fighters,
Here we will post a few of the most important announcements that you might want to know going into summer break.
First off: we do not have regular trainings during summer breaks! This is because most of our members are internationals who go home during the summer. Also, our trainers need a well-deserved break and most have other jobs to tend to. This applies for the year 2020 as well, regardless of the COVID-19 crisis. However, this does not mean that you are not allowed to train outside of the dojo! We welcome you to grab a couple friends, go out for a run or even a walk, or join one of Michel’s online workouts.
Secondly, we have almost finalised the 2020-2021 new board candidates! We will announce the candidates and their positions on social media (Instagram: deltaserat and Facebook) towards the end of summer break. You will be able to vote for them during the GMA meeting next semester. All of this will be announced later on, so don’t worry about specific dates yet!
So when will we train again?
We’ve been waiting for it.
We’ve been wanting it.
We’ve been longing it.
And hopefully, it’s happening.
The return of the dojo.
On September 7th we’re going back into the dojo if no new Corona-measures are put in.
For next year: If you’re gonna stay with us, don’t forget to resubscribe to ACLO. You can find the prices of an ACLO-card on their website. If you’re leaving Groningen, or found a new hobby, don’t forget to sign out! You can sign-out of Deltaserat by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Lastly, here is a link to a great promotional video that has been made by one of our own members, Siem Tillema.
Regardless of whether you will stay with us or whether you’ll leave, we want to thank you for the wonderful times together and hope that next year we can see each other properly again. Have a wonderful summer!
Membership Contributions
Dear members,
Hereby, we would like to inform you about the membership contributions for this semester. Due to the current situation around the coronavirus, we decided to postpone the payments of the membership contributions from the end of April to the end of May.
This is due to the uncertainty we face regarding possible financial help from the government and the question whether we will be able to train again later this semester. We assume to have more information on both these matters by the end of May latest.
Many of you might also wonder about the amount of membership contribution. The Dutch government appeals to all of us to support our local companies and associations. Deltaserat depends on its members, which is why we ask you for your support during these times. We also realize that this is not only a difficult (financial) situation for us as a club but for many of you as well. This is why we decided to lower the membership contributions. The exact amount will be announced by the end of May latest. Until then please be patient and stay safe!
If you have any concerns or questions feel free to send us a message! We are happy to help!

A New Deltaserat Board
Dear Fighter,
If you are interested in becoming a member of the 2020-2021 board of Deltaserat, it is now time to apply!
All instructions are included in the pamphlet and the PDF file attached to this post.
For any questions, please make sure to either contact our chairman Bas ([email protected]), or our internal/external affairs manager, Olena ([email protected]).